Planting Instructions: Plant in early spring in a sunny location of sandy loam with good drainage.
1. Dig a trench 6" deep
2. Place the roots in the trench, spreading the roots so they remain flat.
3. Cover with 3" of dirt and once growth begins, fill in the additional 3" of soil.
Do not harvest the first year and harvesting may continue until June 1 the second year. Every season, when cuttings are over, apply a fertilizer to supply nitrogen for good regrowth of the plants. Approximately 10 lbs. per 100 foot of row for fertilizer similar to 10-10-10 (500 lbs. per acre) is sufficient. WATER PLANTS WELL AFTER PLANTING. After harvest, asparagus must be completely dormant before mowing. Mow late winter or early spring.
Pests or Diseases: Asparagus beetles are commonly found in home plantings. If numerous, they may be controlled by a suggested insecticide or by handpicking. Asparagus rust can be a problem in the Midwest. Moisture left on the plant for 10 hours can help to spread the disease.