Buddleia (Butterfly Bush) davidii ‘Pink Delight’

A must for your butterfly garden!
Lightly scented, Buddleias attract butterflies (and hummingbirds) like a magnet. Buddleia ‘Pink Delight’ is absolutely one of the finest ‘pink’ flowered varieties on the market. Tiny individual flowers are produced in profusion in long, dense trusses. In cooler zones, Buddleias die back to the ground each year, sending up a dense group of new shoots in late spring that quickly develop into a large shrub.

Butterfly bush is a deciduous to semi-evergreen shrub with a weeping form that can get 6-12′ tall and have a spread of 4-15′. Butterfly bushes have opposite, 6-10″, lance-shaped gray-green leaves on long arching stems. The tiny flowers are irresistible to butterflies. They are borne in long, 8-18″, cone-shaped clusters that droop in a profusion of color and stay abuzz with winged, nectar-feeding insects from late spring until the first frost in autumn. The flower clusters can be so profuse that they cause the branches to arch even more. The flowers of many cultivars are sweetly fragrant.

Plant Details +

Botanical Buddleia davidii, Buddleia x weyeriana
Common Name Butterfly Bush
Size #1
Height 5-7'
Spacing 24-36"
Hardiness Zones 5-10
Exposure Full sun
Foliage Silvery green
Flower Pink, 1' flowerheads
Bloomtime June - frost

Planting/Care Instructions +

Planting Instructions: May be planted in any well-drained soil. This plant tolerates some drought and wetness. Dig a hole large enough to encompass the roots without bending or circling. Set the plant in place so the crown (part of the plant where the root meets the stem) is about 1-2 inches below the soil surface. Cover with soil to the original soil surface and water thoroughly.

Pests or Diseases: None serious, A caterpillar may eat foliage occasionally.