Retail Guaranteed to Grow

Forsythia, ‘Lynwood Gold’

Add a blanket of color to your garden with ‘Lynwood Gold’!  This easy to grow shrub blooms early in the spring, revealing vibrant yellow flowers along its stems.  Then, blossoms evolve into a stunning purple in the fall.  Forsythia blooms last nearly 2 weeks and make for excellent cut flowers!  This reliable shrub prefers well-drained soil but is adaptable to a variety of soil conditions.  It also tolerates moderate drought and is resistant to pests.  ‘Lynwood Gold’ would make an excellent cover for fencing, a beautiful border plant, or a lovely hedge.

Plant Details +

Botanical Forsythia x intermedia 'Lynwood Gold'
Common Name Forsythia ‘Lynwood Gold’
Family Oleaceae
Size 12"-18"
Height 8-10'
Spacing 5-6'
Hardiness Zones 4-9
Exposure Full sun to partial shade
Foliage Green leaves with toothed margins
Flower Golden Yellow
Bloomtime Early Spring

Planting/Care Instructions +

Moisture: Water regularly to keep soil moist, not wet.

Planting Instructions: Choose a location in full sun to partial shade with average, well-drained soil. 1. Dig a hole large enough to encompass the roots without bending or circling. 2. Set the plant crown (where the top meets the roots) 1-2” deep, make sure 4-5” of the top shows above the soil surface. 3. Cover with soil to the original soil surface and water thoroughly. Mulch may be applied to the root zone to maintain temperature.

Pests or Diseases: Minimal issues. Tolerant of urban pollution.