This striking Asiatic Lily, ‘Navona’ has very large 4-5″ pure white flowers, with no freckles on tall stems above the green, lance-like leaves. These flowers typically carry three to five trumpet-shaped blossoms with very dark stamens. Featuring upward-facing, wide-opening blooms, the Navona lily adds a bold, elegant statement to any bridal bouquet, centerpiece or garden design.
This is a hardy perennial that will multiply year after year when planted in the garden. As soon as the bloom has faded, remove it so seeds do not form. Do not remove too much stem and foliage with the blossom as these are needed to build for the next year’s growth. Ideal for planting in the perennial garden, in containers or for cut flowers. These lilies are simply stunning in mass and are a great accent plant individually. They are of sturdy habit and do not require any support. Ideal for very exposed gardens.