‘Umbria’ has lovely white, medium-sized blooms that are at home in a wedding bouquet or the all-white garden. The white flowers are especially wonderful in the early evening when they just seem to glow in the moonlight. A popular forcing lily and great as a cut flower in arrangements.
Asiatic hybrid lilies are known for their large, often non-fragrant flowers (4-6″ wide). They come in a wide range of colors and bloom in early summer (Asiatic lilies are among the first of the lilies to bloom). An excellent, showy flower that provides contrast to the summer garden. Ideal for planting in the perennial garden, in containers or for cut flowers. These lilies are simply stunning in mass and are a great accent plant individually. They are of sturdy habit and do not require any support. Ideal for very exposed gardens.
- Excellent for flower arrangements
- Beautiful in container gardens