Retail Guaranteed to Grow


Horseradish needs little or no attention to thrive and grows well in northern climates. In the south, it requires protection from extreme heat. One plant is quite large and will need a big area in the garden. A few plants will provide roots for an ample grated or ground horseradish supply. To prepare horseradish, clean and grate the roots into white wine vinegar or distilled vinegar of 4.5-5% acid content. Bottle and seal at once. Enjoy your horseradish with meat dishes, potato salad, and deviled eggs. Add it to mayonnaise for a delicious bit of heat!

  • Non-GMO
  • Low Maintenance
  • Grows well in northern climates

Plant Details +

Botanical Armoracia rusticana
Common Name Horseradish
Family Brassicaceae
Height 24"
Spacing 12-18"
Hardiness Zones 3-9
Exposure Full sun
Foliage Long, wavy green
Harvest Late fall

Planting/Care Instructions +

Planting Instructions: Planting Instructions: Select a sunny location and plant in early spring in deeply cultivated, moderately rich soil. It does best in deep, moist, rich loam, well fertilized, but will grow in any good soil except perhaps very light sands and very heavy clays. Shallow soil will not serve since this plant has rough, pronged roots. Dig a hole 3-4” deep. Place the sets in the hole so they are just below ground level and cover with soil. Pack sets firmly and fertilize with manure or garden fertilizer. Water regularly. Plant in the spring, after the ground warms to about 50º F.